Hi i'm

Wince Dela

a dedicated public servant, curious student, and an entrepreneur, all rolled into one guy. In the world of Computer Science, I passionately explore robotics and AI, crafting innovative solutions that intertwine with my roles in community service and business leadership. Despite the whirlwind of responsibilities, I cherish my downtime, diving into video games and traveling to new places, which are my versions of comfort and inspiration. Each experience enriches my understanding and fuels my journey of relentless learning and inventive exploration.

Years of
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I aspire to create things!

Web Design

Skilled in web design, I leverage HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap to craft responsive, visually appealing websites that elevate user experience and engagement.

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Proficient in branding strategy, I can develop compelling brand identities that resonate with targeted audiences through cohesive visual storytelling and meticulous design execution.

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Tech Events

Experienced in leading tech events, I excel in orchestrating both online and onsite technical and graphical components using Adobe Suite products and OBS/VMix, ensuring high-impact presentations and seamless execution of technology-driven gatherings.

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Anything Goes!

Adaptable and eager to learn, I thrive in project environments that challenge me to acquire new skills and technologies, ensuring I can contribute effectively to any team and exceed project expectations.

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December 2023 - Present
Project Manager,

Led a cross-functional 8-person team of students in the design and implementation of a GEN-Z Student Task Management App.

September 2023 - Present
Winzens Cafe

Currently managing daily, contacting supply chain, and creating ways to generate new customers like analyzing customer product purchases and cross referencing it with popular trends in drinks.

June 2023 - September 2023
Project Manager Intern,
NCR Atleos

Led a team that developed an ATM cybersecurity solution using AI and real-time observation to prevent threats. Security breaches were identified by computer vision, alerting officials with video evidence. A successful presentation to NCR ATM executives in Dundee showed its financial security transformational potential. .

April 2022 - April 2023
Lead Software Developer,
Half+one Creatives

Created the company’s website for Cebu's First DIY Backing Co. and created a Progressive Mobile Web App for the instructional baking videos placed on 20+ different tablets and created a system for offline loading of updates on the app.

March 2021 - June 2021
Technical Program Head

Was tasked to be the program head of a company's Virtual Assembly with over 4000+ employees online, and created a system for smooth streaming between different remote users. Also created a raffle system for all the employees with a filtering system for different departments

August 2020 – February 2021
Technical Project Head

Helped in facilitating “Ask Covid Bryan” an impactful online COVID-19 information campaign, endorsed by local government units with over 400k engagements, frequently visited by the Governor.

November 2023 - Present
SK of Barangay South Poblacion

Distinguished as one of the top 40 out of over 1,500 chairpersons nationwide to serve as an Environmental Representative, playing a pivotal role in shaping national environmental governance and policy-making.

March 2020 - June 2021
Supreme Student Government President,
Cebu City National Science High School

Led the student government through the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic, adeptly transitioning to virtual platforms to ensure continuous engagement and support for the student body.

I use top leading design methods in my work.

Project Management0
Web Design0
Branding01 June 2020


Design01 June 2020

Journal Mockup

Inspiration01 June 2020

Glued Paper

Branding01 June 2020

Three of Hearts

Design01 June 2020

Graphic Design

Inspiration01 June 2020

Modern Glasses


You'll called for yielding male, so lights
Stars abundantly, is their.

I am always looking for great collaborators. Let’s make something together!
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